Outbound Telephone Sales Mastery

Most salespeople hate to make outbound calls, yet they may not fully grasp the significant impact they can have on the outcome of these interactions.   By embracing best practices, captivating the caller from the very beginning, and swiftly articulating the value of their product, outbound calls can be transformed into highly successful and mutually beneficial exchanges for both the seller and the customer.  Welcome to Telephone Sales Mastery Outbound!

Telephone Sales Mastery Outbound Introduction

In This Video

Are Your Reps Struggling with their Outbound Calls?

We have worked with many Outbound sales teams and appointment-setters in the last 25 years. The most common issues we see are 1) a selling approach that doesn’t connect with callers, 2) burnout, and 3) a lack of creativity. Any rep that sounds like they are merely going through the motions is not going to have the impact they want. Is it time to modify how you make your outbound calls? We are confident that we can provide the answers you’re looking for.

The solutions are all right there in your current calls!

Give us the chance to listen to your team’s calls. We can provide the solution you want – an improved outbound telephone call, better client engagement from the start, better results, all the great things you hope for. We will scrutinize each step of the dialogue and build you a call flow that nets much better outcomes. The new call flow will make sense to your reps and it will be client-friendly.

You’ve tried everything and nothing has helped.

It is understandable, but maybe you have not had the right people listening to your calls and helping out. Here at Call Center Training Solutions, we have been collecting best practices for every step of the outbound call for decades. We have helped clients in countless product sales, including wireless (cell phones), Internet sales, collectibles, home and auto insurance, computers, banking products, television, domain names, airline seats, intestinal cleansing products and many others! One strength our clients will tell you about is we are experts at wordsmithing. Sometimes, it’s just a few words difference, and the caller will start becoming more engaged. We will come in and work with you to figure out what you need, build a call flow that illustrates the way your calls should sound, pilot with a few reps, and then train the entire center, whether in person or remote.

Let’s talk Early Call Objections

Early-Call Objections are why so many reps get out of the business. They never figured out how to move past these early call roadblocks, like “I’m not interested,” “We already have a service like that,” “We’re moving in two months and don’t want to make changes right now,” and a host of others. We have great responses for your team. The secret is not in having the best response to these objections. These are smoke screens 85%-90% of the time. The caller is really not locked into that objection. They just want to get off the phone!

Pro Tip! Don’t Try to “Overcome” Early-Call Objections

Our approach is to circumvent the early-call objection, rather than try to overcome it. “I completely understand that you’re moving, and it definitely makes everything more challenging. Even so, let me leave you with this one thing…” “That said, let’s talk for just a moment about futures, because I would hate for you to miss out if this is something you would benefit from.” When you present this risk-free idea to them, leaving them with just one quick piece of the offer, they tend to stay on the line and listen. It’s amazing! We can train your team on just this one skill as a pilot so you can see the results. And there’s much more that we can do through what we call Preemptive Statements, which have been proven over and over to reduce the number of objections a rep hears every day!

The Secret is a Better Call Opening

If you listen to most salespeople who make outbound calls, they deliver their message with too much hesitancy. “Is now a good time to talk?” Why do we ask this question? Remember that they picked up the phone. Another turn-off is, “We’re calling every Florida resident….” Saying everyone means this customer is unimportant in the bigger picture – just a number. For existing customers, we can say, “I happen to come across your account, and it looks like we’ve got some good news for you…” Also, asking them questions like, “How’s the weather there?” is a non-starter for most people these days. Build rapport with them through your introduction, but no more small talk. Sounding friendly, present and energized is more effective than a single attempt at rapport.

Next, we need Value, early on. Many salespeople introduce themselves and their company and then say, “We wanted to get in touch and introduce ourselves and see whether you might have a need for our (e.g. office products, electrolyte packs, etc.). Telling the caller you wanted to introduce yourself after you’ve already done that steals good selling time on the call. Plus it is what almost every other outbound caller says. We must be bold with Value here. “Mrs. Jackson, we save companies thousands of dollars on ___, and we’d love to do the same for you. All I need to know is…” “Mr. Peterson, clients use us because they want the very best security system in the industry, and we sell it at an average price.” We will re-engineer your Call Opening so it starts to generate significant results.

How do You ask more Questions on Outbound Calls without upsetting the customer?

This is another key area that makes or breaks the call. We want more information, but Open-Ended Questions are difficult to ask without the customer feeling like they need to exit the call. We like Open-Ended Questions, but we suggest one at the most early in the Discovery. As a supplement, we use a series of Question Types. Circumstance. Problem. Importance. Goal. All four of these Questions will net great results, even though they are Closed-Ended.

Contact Us Today!

If you like what you’ve read, definitely contact us today so we can discuss your sales team and how we can help. We can start training in just a couple of weeks. Email us or call 954-721-2160.

Telephone Sales Mastery Outbound

Course Overview

All course modules are modified and fully customized to each client’s calls. If you do not see a skill here that your center needs, please ask us about it. Every skill in this program will be fully tailored to your real-world telephone dialogues.

Outbound calling is a highly unique skill that most salespeople struggle with. The good news is that there are a number of proven formulas and principles that will help your salespeople thrive.

Topics / Principles

  • Developing a Consistent Outbound Calling Strategy
  • Call Killers: What will Derail Your Outbound Call Right from the Start?
  • Improving Customer Responsiveness to Your Outbound Calls
  • Responding to Customer Hostility
  • Should I Leave a Voicemail Message?
  • The CCTS Outbound Calling Formula and Why It Works!
  • Eliminating Customer Tension at the Start of Calls
  • Five Easy Ways to Prevent Early Call (Reflexive) Objections

The first 30 seconds of the outbound call will either set your salespeople up for success or make it an uphill battle. The skills in this module are excellent for relaxing customers and opening many more doors.

Sections / Topics / Skills

  • Eliminating Customer Tension at the Start of Calls
  • Effective Non-Verbal Skills During the Call Opening
  • Best Practice Greetings and Introductions
  • Preemptive Statements for Preventing Early Call (Reflexive) Objections
  • Rapport Do’s and Don’ts
  • Delivering a Value-Rich Reason for Call (Message)
  • Activity: Participants Create Value-Rich Messages
  • The Complete Outbound Calling Process
  • Activity: Participants Demonstrate the Outbound Calling Process

Even with a great opening, salespeople will still encounter Early Call, or Reflexive Objections (e.g. “We’re not interested.” “We already have what we need.” “Stop calling here!”). In this module, participants will learn why these seemingly impossible and rather unique objections can still be overcome with the right process and the right delivery.

Sections / Topics / Skills

  • The Nature (and Good News) of “Reflexive” Objections
  • Put the Caller at ease by “Welcoming” the Objection
  • Transitional Statements (e.g. “Here’s the thing.” “That being said.”)
  • Redirecting back to the Value of the Call
  • Strong Rebuttals
  • The Complete Early Call Objection Process
  • Activity: Participants Demonstrate the Early Call Objection Process
  • Activity: Participants Demonstrate the Call Opening and the Early Call Objection Process
Discovery is critical on every call, but outbound calls bring unique challenges. Time is more limited on most cases. Since customers did not call us, they did not plan on a long, consultative question / answer session. Many customers will stay on the line, but we may need to work more quickly to establish needs. Sections / Topics / Skills
  • Asking Questions with Impatient Customers in Outbound!
  • Making Every Question Count
  • Employing the Value Statement / Question Approach
  • “Crystallizing” the Customer’s Need
  • Question Types
    • Spec Questions
    • Need-Based Questions (heavy focus here in Outbound). These are a combination of Circumstance, Importance, Problem and Goal Questions. They are Closed-Ended and will identify needs quickly, which is critical on the outbound call.
      • “Do you find sometimes that you struggle with___?”
      • “Are you always trying to___?”
      • “Is it important to you to have ____?”
      • “Do you typically prefer to____?”
    • Finding Additional Opportunities
    • Cross-Sell Upsell Question
    • Additional Tools for Enhancing the Discovery Dialogue
    • Asking for Referrals (even when this customer shows no interest)
  • Activity: Participants Create Discovery Dialogues
  • Activity: Participants Demonstrate the Complete Discovery Process

When presenting products and features, most salespeople a) fail to differentiate their product from competitive offers, and b) they spend too much time focused on promotions and saving money, and not enough time on the ways that your solution will be potentially life-changing for this customer. This module will change all that, and quickly.

Sections / Topics / Skills

  • Implied Value vs. Expressed Value
  • Remember: Most Customers Don’t Buy the Cheapest Product Offer!
  • Feature / Benefit / Value – Defined and Differentiated
  • Activity: What Differentiates Your Product or Service from the Competition?
  • Put the Customer into Your Presentation Story
  • Activity: Create Effective, Targeted Value Statements for Your Top Three Products/Features
  • Always Tie Back to Your Discovery When Transitioning to the Presentation
  • The Feature Function Value Statement
  • TActivity: Write Three FFVs
  • The Complete FFV Process with Tie Back to Discovery
  • Activity: Participants Demonstrate the Complete FFV Process

It is undoubtedly the briefest skill, yet many salespeople struggle when asking the customer to buy today. This module introduces a couple of great Closing tools, but it also makes the case for Closing every time, which really helps salespeople with Closing Anxiety.

Sections / Topics / Skills

  • Why Should We Ask for the Sale on Every Call?
  • The Chain of Events that Occurs When We Don’t Ask for the Sale
  • Not Closing is a Disservice to Your Customers
  • Avoid “Disclaimers” When Closing (e.g. “I know you said earlier that you were not ready to buy today, but…”)
  • Effectively Transitioning from the Product Presentation to the Close
  • The Assertive Closing technique
  • The Assertive Closing Process
  • Five Other Great Closes
  • Activity: Participants Demonstrate the Assertive Close
  • Activity: Participants Demonstrate the Five Additional Closes

You have done so much work on this call, and now you’re going to let this caller go because of a single objection? Help your customer while helping yourself by presenting a strong case for them to buy today – without making them feel bad about objecting. Turn your objection response into a positive, customer-friendly experience, much like the rest of the call has been, up to this point.

Sections / Topics / Skills

  • Where Do Salespeople Go Wrong When They Hear An Objection?
  • Why An Objection is Not the End
  • Welcoming the Objection: “I’m glad you’re telling me this!” “I’m so glad you brought this up.”
  • Tie Back to Discovery: What Did You Learn that will Help You Now?
  • Presenting Value to Outweigh the Objection (rather than “Outarguing the Customer”)
  • Top Value Responses
    • Long-Term Return on Investment over the Competitor’s Short-Term Savings
    • Value of Product over a Competitor’s Promotion
    • Product Quality: “You’re only buying this one time.” “You’re only making this decision one time.”
    • Responding to Objections with a Discount without Diminishing Your Product’s Reputation
    • Talk to Spouse and Talk to Boss Responses
  • The Value For Objections Process
  • Activity: Create Great Responses for Key Objections
  • Activity: Demonstrate the Complete Value For Objections Process

Outbound calling is a highly unique skill that most salespeople struggle with. The good news is that there are a number of proven formulas and principles that will help your salespeople thrive.

Topics / Principles

  • Developing a Consistent Outbound Calling Strategy
  • Call Killers: What will Derail Your Outbound Call Right from the Start?
  • Improving Customer Responsiveness to Your Outbound Calls
  • Responding to Customer Hostility
  • Should I Leave a Voicemail Message?
  • The CCTS Outbound Calling Formula and Why It Works!
  • Eliminating Customer Tension at the Start of Calls
  • Five Easy Ways to Prevent Early Call (Reflexive) Objections

The first 30 seconds of the outbound call will either set your salespeople up for success or make it an uphill battle. The skills in this module are excellent for relaxing customers and opening many more doors.

Sections / Topics / Skills

  • Eliminating Customer Tension at the Start of Calls
  • Effective Non-Verbal Skills During the Call Opening
  • Best Practice Greetings and Introductions
  • Preemptive Statements for Preventing Early Call (Reflexive) Objections
  • Rapport Do’s and Don’ts
  • Delivering a Value-Rich Reason for Call (Message)
  • Activity: Participants Create Value-Rich Messages
  • The Complete Outbound Calling Process
  • Activity: Participants Demonstrate the Outbound Calling Process

Even with a great opening, salespeople will still encounter Early Call, or Reflexive Objections (e.g. “We’re not interested.” “We already have what we need.” “Stop calling here!”). In this module, participants will learn why these seemingly impossible and rather unique objections can still be overcome with the right process and the right delivery.

Sections / Topics / Skills

  • The Nature (and Good News) of “Reflexive” Objections
  • Put the Caller at ease by “Welcoming” the Objection
  • Transitional Statements (e.g. “Here’s the thing.” “That being said.”)
  • Redirecting back to the Value of the Call
  • Strong Rebuttals
  • The Complete Early Call Objection Process
  • Activity: Participants Demonstrate the Early Call Objection Process
  • Activity: Participants Demonstrate the Call Opening and the Early Call Objection Process

Discovery is critical on every call, but outbound calls bring unique challenges. Time is more limited on most cases. Since customers did not call us, they did not plan on a long, consultative question / answer session. Many customers will stay on the line, but we may need to work more quickly to establish needs.

 Sections / Topics / Skills

  • Asking Questions with Impatient Customers in Outbound!
  • Making Every Question Count
  • Employing the Value Statement / Question Approach
  • “Crystallizing” the Customer’s Need
  • Question Types
    • Spec Questions
    • Need-Based Questions (heavy focus here in Outbound). These are a combination of Circumstance, Importance, Problem and Goal Questions. They are Closed-Ended and will identify needs quickly, which is critical on the outbound call.
      • “Do you find sometimes that you struggle with___?”
      • “Are you always trying to___?”
      • “Is it important to you to have ____?”
      • “Do you typically prefer to____?”
    • Finding Additional Opportunities
    • Cross-Sell Upsell Question
    • Additional Tools for Enhancing the Discovery Dialogue
    • Asking for Referrals (even when this customer shows no interest)
  • Activity: Participants Create Discovery Dialogues
  • Activity: Participants Demonstrate the Complete Discovery Process

When presenting products and features, most salespeople a) fail to differentiate their product from competitive offers, and b) they spend too much time focused on promotions and saving money, and not enough time on the ways that your solution will be potentially life-changing for this customer. This module will change all that, and quickly.

Sections / Topics / Skills

  • Implied Value vs. Expressed Value
  • Remember: Most Customers Don’t Buy the Cheapest Product Offer!
  • Feature / Benefit / Value – Defined and Differentiated
  • Activity: What Differentiates Your Product or Service from the Competition?
  • Put the Customer into Your Presentation Story
  • Activity: Create Effective, Targeted Value Statements for Your Top Three Products/Features
  • Always Tie Back to Your Discovery When Transitioning to the Presentation
  • The Feature Function Value Statement
  • TActivity: Write Three FFVs
  • The Complete FFV Process with Tie Back to Discovery
  • Activity: Participants Demonstrate the Complete FFV Process

It is undoubtedly the briefest skill, yet many salespeople struggle when asking the customer to buy today. This module introduces a couple of great Closing tools, but it also makes the case for Closing every time, which really helps salespeople with Closing Anxiety.

Sections / Topics / Skills

  • Why Should We Ask for the Sale on Every Call?
  • The Chain of Events that Occurs When We Don’t Ask for the Sale
  • Not Closing is a Disservice to Your Customers
  • Avoid “Disclaimers” When Closing (e.g. “I know you said earlier that you were not ready to buy today, but…”)
  • Effectively Transitioning from the Product Presentation to the Close
  • The Assertive Closing technique
  • The Assertive Closing Process
  • Five Other Great Closes
  • Activity: Participants Demonstrate the Assertive Close
  • Activity: Participants Demonstrate the Five Additional Closes

You have done so much work on this call, and now you’re going to let this caller go because of a single objection? Help your customer while helping yourself by presenting a strong case for them to buy today – without making them feel bad about objecting. Turn your objection response into a positive, customer-friendly experience, much like the rest of the call has been, up to this point.

Sections / Topics / Skills

  • Where Do Salespeople Go Wrong When They Hear An Objection?
  • Why An Objection is Not the End
  • Welcoming the Objection: “I’m glad you’re telling me this!” “I’m so glad you brought this up.”
  • Tie Back to Discovery: What Did You Learn that will Help You Now?
  • Presenting Value to Outweigh the Objection (rather than “Outarguing the Customer”)
  • Top Value Responses
    • Long-Term Return on Investment over the Competitor’s Short-Term Savings
    • Value of Product over a Competitor’s Promotion
    • Product Quality: “You’re only buying this one time.” “You’re only making this decision one time.”
    • Responding to Objections with a Discount without Diminishing Your Product’s Reputation
    • Talk to Spouse and Talk to Boss Responses
  • The Value For Objections Process
  • Activity: Create Great Responses for Key Objections
  • Activity: Demonstrate the Complete Value For Objections Process


We customize each program to our clients’ needs and goals, so no two prices are the same. Our clients will tell you that our fees are average while our solutions are world class. Here is some information about how we can build your course content and deliver your new training solution.

We customize everything!
See Our Customization Formula here

Delivery Methods: We use all of the following delivery methods, depending. on client needs, location and budget. Live, in-person training, Remote training sessions via Teams or Zoom Fully customized video-based lessons Complete e-learning solutions Complimentary Front End Analysis

You want the right solution. We would like to provide the very best, perfectly tailored solution for your needs. Let us listen to your calls and schedule a few meetings with leaders, supervisors, trainers and agents. Let’s discuss your current coaching system. We want to know how your QA and Training teams align with your goals. Once we understand how we can best help, we will send a complete proposal with every step we will take in building your new training package and helping you ignite your center to produce record results.

Contact us today to set up an initial discovery meeting. We can estimate pricing for you, even before we start our analysis work.

Have a small team? If you have just a few reps and a single leader, we can estimate pricing and do a brief analysis of your agents, and send a final proposal very quickly.
"Words Matter! Mo Bellio gets that and always has when it comes to teaching great client experiences and sales. Great content - love the continued focus on leader communication and coaching too. I carry some of those very concepts with me still today."

"Words Matter! Mo Bellio gets that and always has when it comes to teaching great client experiences and sales. Great content - love the continued focus on leader communication and coaching too. I carry some of those very concepts with me still today."

Mark McCarthy

Nuance Communications

"Great content Mo! I know my teams have always benefited from your courses and training.  You’ve made a huge difference with our performance in our sales and service departments for years!"

"Great content Mo! I know my teams have always benefited from your courses and training.  You’ve made a huge difference with our performance in our sales and service departments for years!"

Safana Alibhai

Long View Systems

"Erica and the rest of CCTS have become an integral part of our sales team. Her dedication to understanding our business and customers made the training she provided extremely applicable. She's been great in dealing with salespeople of all experience levels, from the seasoned vet...

"Erica and the rest of CCTS have become an integral part of our sales team. Her dedication to understanding our business and customers made the training she provided extremely applicable. She's been great in dealing with salespeople of all experience levels, from the seasoned vet to the first-time rep. Thank you, Erica and CCTS, for all that you do and for being part of the Diadem Team!"

Michael Manglardi

Diadem Sports

"Really good content Mo, your learnings were always amazing… excited to see the new stuff whenever CCTS introduces it."

"Really good content Mo, your learnings were always amazing… excited to see the new stuff whenever CCTS introduces it."

Chintan Kalra


"Love this content! Your trainings have taught our team so much!"

"Love this content! Your trainings have taught our team so much!"

Tawnia Grone

Autism Learning Partners

"I was recently certified to coach Call Center Floor Management from CCTS and could not be more proud. In 20 years of leadership and leadership coaching, I've never come across a better program for call center managers. The magic of CCFM is in the sheer...

"I was recently certified to coach Call Center Floor Management from CCTS and could not be more proud. In 20 years of leadership and leadership coaching, I've never come across a better program for call center managers. The magic of CCFM is in the sheer simplicity and efficiency. Call center managers are generally over-worked and under-experienced, and CCFM gives them simple tools to make the most of their limited time. Without question the best program I've come across."

Nathan Haas

True Captive Insurance

"I had the privilege of working with Mo during his Leadership and “Igniting Sales Performance” workshops a few years ago (I was a Quality Supervisor). His trainings were transformational to how our teams had done our sales approaches from that point on. He also changed...

"I had the privilege of working with Mo during his Leadership and “Igniting Sales Performance” workshops a few years ago (I was a Quality Supervisor). His trainings were transformational to how our teams had done our sales approaches from that point on. He also changed the way I deliver my own leadership style, to which I carry these skills with me to this day (e.g., positive reinforcements, formative feedback and two-minute-on-the-fly coaching)."

Gilbert Paul Santos


"Mo, you are one of the best!  I was privileged to attend many of your Coach-the-Coach sessions and you are a consummate professional!  Wishing you continued success!"

"Mo, you are one of the best!  I was privileged to attend many of your Coach-the-Coach sessions and you are a consummate professional!  Wishing you continued success!"

Darren Bowden


"The team at Heartland Credit Union appreciates the collaborative approach you provided in our training content creation. You took the time to work with multiple stakeholders, to get a true sense of who we are and the deliverables we wanted from the training. The end...

"The team at Heartland Credit Union appreciates the collaborative approach you provided in our training content creation. You took the time to work with multiple stakeholders, to get a true sense of who we are and the deliverables we wanted from the training. The end product was a customized training track that covered supervisor training, front-line training, skills practice and train the trainer. Attendees were engaged throughout the training and were able to easily relate it to their work. WIN – WIN!!"

Jeremy Stauffacher

Heartland Credit Union

"Have always loved your work, Mo. Exciting you are still putting great content out here for us to take advantage of."

"Have always loved your work, Mo. Exciting you are still putting great content out here for us to take advantage of."

Kellen Brittingham

Deluxe Corp

"As always, Mo, your content and skills are always first class, and we have benefited from your training for years!"

"As always, Mo, your content and skills are always first class, and we have benefited from your training for years!"

Deepak Joshi


"Mo Bellio and his team always have great skills, techniques and tips to help drive the right sales behaviors! And your new webinars sound like great options to leverage"

"Mo Bellio and his team always have great skills, techniques and tips to help drive the right sales behaviors! And your new webinars sound like great options to leverage"

Gina Narvaez

Telus Communications

"Mo is truly a one of a kind person in every capacity! On a personal level, he is the most genuine, engaging, and warm person you could ever hope to meet. He exudes a positive energy and brightens every group he is a part of....

"Mo is truly a one of a kind person in every capacity! On a personal level, he is the most genuine, engaging, and warm person you could ever hope to meet. He exudes a positive energy and brightens every group he is a part of. On a professional level, he is knowledgeable, talented, motivating, hardworking and insightful. Working with Mo on our sales techniques has been transformative in the best way imaginable. He has helped me maximize my positive qualities, unlock ones that I never knew existed and has led me to more than double the sales I had made prior to his coaching. I am grateful for his help in my own work and I know that he could unlock great potential for anyone who is lucky enough to work with him!!!"

Jennifer Ashlee

Vertical Rise

"Mo did an outstanding job helping the Client Support Team improve their soft skills! He and his team were super helpful every step of the way - from reviewing client interactions to understanding trends all the way through the launch of live training sessions with...

"Mo did an outstanding job helping the Client Support Team improve their soft skills! He and his team were super helpful every step of the way - from reviewing client interactions to understanding trends all the way through the launch of live training sessions with 100+ teammates! Mo embeds his knowledge on Soft Skills, Angry User, and Emerging Leader training into the fabric of his training workshops.  He also demonstrates his knowledge from his years of call center work experience, and this resonates well with our colleagues, and also our customers! We couldn’t ask for a more knowledgeable, engaged, and professional business partner. Thank you Mo and CCTS!"

Michael Clark

eMoney Advisor

"Erica from Call Center Training Solutions is highly motivated and driven to achieve desired results. Tasks were completed earlier than proposed and even exceeded expectations, which is rare! We worked on call flow development, call scoring & metrics, process improvement, quality assurance and training during...

"Erica from Call Center Training Solutions is highly motivated and driven to achieve desired results. Tasks were completed earlier than proposed and even exceeded expectations, which is rare! We worked on call flow development, call scoring & metrics, process improvement, quality assurance and training during our time working together. The team we coached outperformed others month after month. When you have the opportunity to work with Erica, you will see her dedication to her craft and to achieving your company's goals!"

Adrian Cabrera

Cellular Sales

"We have engaged Mo and his team on several occasions to train our reps and floor management. His training content and delivery skills are incredibly effective. Training was topically spot on, fully customized, and with engaging delivery Mo would hold the attention and minds of...

"We have engaged Mo and his team on several occasions to train our reps and floor management. His training content and delivery skills are incredibly effective. Training was topically spot on, fully customized, and with engaging delivery Mo would hold the attention and minds of his audience and affect change. Follow up support and long-term consulting really helped reinforce the messages and sustain success.

I would highly recommend engaging Mo and his group to assist in development opportunities in any call center."

Mike Hartong

Contact Center Director

"Worked with Mo Bellio and his team for years and his content has always been instrumental to our success. This training and their fantastic coaching are bound to make you successful."

"Worked with Mo Bellio and his team for years and his content has always been instrumental to our success. This training and their fantastic coaching are bound to make you successful."

Herman Wong


"Great insights always, Mo. Really appreciated the opportunity to work with you to optimize call center conversations across a couple of organizations in the past few years.  I look forward to doing it again!"

"Great insights always, Mo. Really appreciated the opportunity to work with you to optimize call center conversations across a couple of organizations in the past few years.  I look forward to doing it again!"

Rob McGowan

McKinsey & Company

"In our partnership, Mo brought a level of positivity to every conversation that completely energized our sales team. He facilitated a course for our team that was not only highly informational and full of great, customized content, but interactive and collaborative. The resources he prepared...

"In our partnership, Mo brought a level of positivity to every conversation that completely energized our sales team. He facilitated a course for our team that was not only highly informational and full of great, customized content, but interactive and collaborative. The resources he prepared for us several years ago are used to this day and we appreciate his professionalism every step of the way. Thank you, Mo!"

Grace Griffin

Orthodontic Partners

"These are tough times to sell, so the skills you taught couldn’t have been timelier. Thank you again for helping turn our team into a selling machine!"

"These are tough times to sell, so the skills you taught couldn’t have been timelier. Thank you again for helping turn our team into a selling machine!"

Susan Laird

Quadrant Plastics

"It was nice to finally get some training that helped me diversify my coaching methods, to be effective with different types of sales styles, ability and the sales people themselves. Thanks CCTS!!!"

"It was nice to finally get some training that helped me diversify my coaching methods, to be effective with different types of sales styles, ability and the sales people themselves. Thanks CCTS!!!"

Scott Hill

Sutherland Call Centers

"The guidance and knowledge provided by CCTS has transformed our sales people into a powerful, passionate team! Our sales have increased by over 300% in the last six months!"

"The guidance and knowledge provided by CCTS has transformed our sales people into a powerful, passionate team! Our sales have increased by over 300% in the last six months!"

Christy Mullins

Platinum Fundraising

"CCTS provided us with a structured and effective coaching formula that we use on a daily basis, and it's adaptable to any new campaigns and situations we run into. Highly recommended for your teams."

"CCTS provided us with a structured and effective coaching formula that we use on a daily basis, and it's adaptable to any new campaigns and situations we run into. Highly recommended for your teams."

Adam Jackson

Telus Communications

"CCTS really knows contact center environments, whether inbound or outbound. I value CCTS as a business partner. They definitely are invested in my success."

"CCTS really knows contact center environments, whether inbound or outbound. I value CCTS as a business partner. They definitely are invested in my success."

Lisa Simpson

Sacramento Municipal Utilities District

"This was the most informative training I’ve ever attended!  I’ve shared many of the coaching techniques with the other sales managers, and we’ve seen some pretty incredible results."

"This was the most informative training I’ve ever attended!  I’ve shared many of the coaching techniques with the other sales managers, and we’ve seen some pretty incredible results."

Jason Kelly

Answer Financial Insurance

"I had the pleasure of working with Mo to improve our Service process and delivery. His positive attitude and engaging approach made the experience enjoyable for all. He has a very interactive style which makes his coaching memorable. If you are looking to improve your...

"I had the pleasure of working with Mo to improve our Service process and delivery. His positive attitude and engaging approach made the experience enjoyable for all. He has a very interactive style which makes his coaching memorable. If you are looking to improve your service or just looking to refresh and re-engage your team, Mo will deliver a personalized plan that will fit your organizations needs."

Carrie Santos

Airstron LLC

"I have known and experienced Mo's passion and experience for extraordinary customer service excellence while at Amazon. Mo is a constant professional that has a superior grasp of what it takes to support customers in-person and through inbound/outbound support (contact centers). Because of his strong...

"I have known and experienced Mo's passion and experience for extraordinary customer service excellence while at Amazon. Mo is a constant professional that has a superior grasp of what it takes to support customers in-person and through inbound/outbound support (contact centers). Because of his strong commitment, delivery results, integrity and overall walk-the-walk of the "Call Center Training Solutions" practices and principles, I contracted Mo to deliver the "Floor Management Training" for two of our global contact centers (US and Europe). End result, he exceeded our expectations!  We realized a 25% increase in productivity, 4% increase in first call resolution and a 10% increase in quality. Throughout the training and even post-training, Mo consistently checked-in on the teams he trained to continue coaching and empowering them. I can recommend without any doubt in my mind that if you have a contact center anywhere in the world that you must bring the 'Call Center Training Solutions' to your people (agents/leaders) as your customer experience will never be the same... you will hear the call of consistent extraordinary experiences!!!"

Virginia Joy Smith

Executive Coach - Author

"Mo definitely knows the key to success and how to put it together into a training package so not only agents excel but also their leaders. I wish I had this information years ago!"

"Mo definitely knows the key to success and how to put it together into a training package so not only agents excel but also their leaders. I wish I had this information years ago!"

Candy Schuyler

Amsterdam Printing

"Mo is a very high-energy person who easily translates written training to every-day situations. Mo's ability to connect with his audience is a huge asset. I highly recommend Mo Bellio."

"Mo is a very high-energy person who easily translates written training to every-day situations. Mo's ability to connect with his audience is a huge asset. I highly recommend Mo Bellio."

Carl Brantley

CASA of the Pikes Peak Region

"I've hired Mo several times to provide training for trainers and for my Contact Center to teach floor coaching to the Supervisors. I find Mo to be very easy to work with. He really knows contact center environments, whether inbound or outbound, and understands the...

"I've hired Mo several times to provide training for trainers and for my Contact Center to teach floor coaching to the Supervisors. I find Mo to be very easy to work with. He really knows contact center environments, whether inbound or outbound, and understands the pace of business. For his instructor training, Mo absolutely models what he teaches and produces high quality work. I value him as a business partner because he focuses on building long-term, sustainable relationships with clients. He is invested in my success!"

Lisa Simpson

Sacramento Municipal Utilities District

"Mo's training and coaching skill development is as relevant today as it was when we hired him. His programs are part of the foundational curriculum for new hire training we give to reps and first-time supervisors. It's important when conducting behavior-based skill training that the...

"Mo's training and coaching skill development is as relevant today as it was when we hired him. His programs are part of the foundational curriculum for new hire training we give to reps and first-time supervisors. It's important when conducting behavior-based skill training that the instructor create a safe, fun, endorsing environment for the adult learners to practice. Mo does a terrific job at this."

Bob Bridges

Trainer Coach - Speaker

"Mo and his amazing team always have insightful tips that can be leveraged in many sales environments. Great work!"

"Mo and his amazing team always have insightful tips that can be leveraged in many sales environments. Great work!"

Kim Surgeoner

FAQs for Outbound Calling

What are some of the biggest challenges in Outbound Calling and how can CCTS help?

Running a successful outbound call center that sells products or sets appointments can be quite challenging due to various factors in play. Here are several of the biggest challenges you might encounter and some potential solutions we can provide through our training and consulting.
In an outbound call center, sales reps constantly face rejection and objections from potential customers. “I’m not interested.” “We just bought what we needed.” “I don’t know who you people are.” Many people are inherently skeptical of sales calls, and they might have concerns or questions that need to be addressed. Sales agents need to be resilient, patient, and skilled at handling objections effectively. It’s crucial to provide ongoing training and support to help them develop strategies to overcome objections and turn rejections into opportunities.

Solution: We will help you re-engineer your call flow so your reps sound amazing all the way through the early part of the call. They really will be able to reduce the amount of objections they hear. We have seen it over and over again with our clients.
Outbound call centers must navigate a complex landscape of regulations and legal requirements. Telemarketing practices are subject to numerous laws such as the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) in the United States, which regulates unsolicited calls and messages. Failing to comply with these regulations can lead to significant legal and financial repercussions. Ensuring that all agents are trained on compliance measures, maintaining accurate and up-to-date records, and regularly reviewing and updating practices are essential to avoid legal pitfalls.

Solution: Sometimes this is a management reinforcement issue, not an agent issue. We will get agents and leaders on the same page so there are no more Compliance issues.
Striking the right balance between making a high volume of calls and delivering a personalized, quality sales experience is a constant challenge. The pressure to meet sales quotas and targets can lead to a focus on quantity at the expense of building meaningful customer relationships. However, prioritizing quality interactions can lead to better customer satisfaction, repeat business, and positive word-of-mouth referrals. Managing agent workload, providing effective scripts that allow for personalization, and using technology to streamline processes without sacrificing customer experience are important strategies to address this challenge.

Solution: We will take a look at your Quality process and make sure that every successful selling skill is encouraged and embraced by QA. Plus, we can work with all of your leaders to redevelop a QA form that makes sense for the new skills you will be bringing in. We love working with the Quality teams because we know that reps will do what’s on the Quality form to get their points. A better Observation form means better calls.

The demanding nature of outbound call center work, which often involves repetitive tasks and potential rejection, can lead to employee burnout and low morale. Maintaining a motivated and engaged workforce is crucial for consistent sales success. Implementing incentive programs, recognizing and rewarding top performers, offering career development opportunities, and fostering a positive work environment can all contribute to reducing burnout and turnover.

Solution: Better leadership and better calls. Front-line leaders in call centers work very hard, but their coaching and management system is often out of alignment with the reps’ calls. Check out our call center coaching training. This is often the secret to success for call centers. We want happy reps who know they make difficult calls, and are proud of the work they do. When leaders coach effectively, the center thrives and your employee turnover goes way down.

Customer preferences and behavior evolve over time, especially in the age of rapidly advancing technology and communication methods. Adapting sales strategies to cater to changing customer preferences, such as preferred communication channels or purchasing habits, is a continuous challenge. Staying updated on market trends, incorporating new communication technologies, and regularly assessing and adjusting sales approaches are important to remain relevant and effective.

Solution: We hear these same customers everywhere we partner with call centers. Buyer behaviors have certainly changed over the years, and we have caught the changes. We incorporate only the most client-friendly and value-rich comments.

Successfully navigating these challenges requires a combination of strategic planning, ongoing training, effective leadership, and a commitment to delivering value to customers while achieving sales targets. Ask us about your challenges and we will let you know if we can help.

In an outbound call center, sales reps constantly face rejection and objections from potential customers. “I’m not interested.” “We just bought what we needed.” “I don’t know who you people are.” Many people are inherently skeptical of sales calls, and they might have concerns or questions that need to be addressed. Sales agents need to be resilient, patient, and skilled at handling objections effectively. It’s crucial to provide ongoing training and support to help them develop strategies to overcome objections and turn rejections into opportunities.

Solution: We will help you re-engineer your call flow so your reps sound amazing all the way through the early part of the call. They really will be able to reduce the amount of objections they hear. We have seen it over and over again with our clients.

Outbound call centers must navigate a complex landscape of regulations and legal requirements. Telemarketing practices are subject to numerous laws such as the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) in the United States, which regulates unsolicited calls and messages. Failing to comply with these regulations can lead to significant legal and financial repercussions. Ensuring that all agents are trained on compliance measures, maintaining accurate and up-to-date records, and regularly reviewing and updating practices are essential to avoid legal pitfalls.

Solution: Sometimes this is a management reinforcement issue, not an agent issue. We will get agents and leaders on the same page so there are no more Compliance issues.

Striking the right balance between making a high volume of calls and delivering a personalized, quality sales experience is a constant challenge. The pressure to meet sales quotas and targets can lead to a focus on quantity at the expense of building meaningful customer relationships. However, prioritizing quality interactions can lead to better customer satisfaction, repeat business, and positive word-of-mouth referrals. Managing agent workload, providing effective scripts that allow for personalization, and using technology to streamline processes without sacrificing customer experience are important strategies to address this challenge.

Solution: We will take a look at your Quality process and make sure that every successful selling skill is encouraged and embraced by QA. Plus, we can work with all of your leaders to redevelop a QA form that makes sense for the new skills you will be bringing in. We love working with the Quality teams because we know that reps will do what’s on the Quality form to get their points. A better Observation form means better calls.

The demanding nature of outbound call center work, which often involves repetitive tasks and potential rejection, can lead to employee burnout and low morale. Maintaining a motivated and engaged workforce is crucial for consistent sales success. Implementing incentive programs, recognizing and rewarding top performers, offering career development opportunities, and fostering a positive work environment can all contribute to reducing burnout and turnover.

Solution: Better leadership and better calls. Front-line leaders in call centers work very hard, but their coaching and management system is often out of alignment with the reps’ calls. Check out our call center coaching training. This is often the secret to success for call centers. We want happy reps who know they make difficult calls, and are proud of the work they do. When leaders coach effectively, the center thrives and your employee turnover goes way down.

Customer preferences and behavior evolve over time, especially in the age of rapidly advancing technology and communication methods. Adapting sales strategies to cater to changing customer preferences, such as preferred communication channels or purchasing habits, is a continuous challenge. Staying updated on market trends, incorporating new communication technologies, and regularly assessing and adjusting sales approaches are important to remain relevant and effective.

Solution: We hear these same customers everywhere we partner with call centers. Buyer behaviors have certainly changed over the years, and we have caught the changes. We incorporate only the most client-friendly and value-rich comments.

Successfully navigating these challenges requires a combination of strategic planning, ongoing training, effective leadership, and a commitment to delivering value to customers while achieving sales targets. Ask us about your challenges and we will let you know if we can help.

What are some great ways to respond to “I’m not interested.”

Responding effectively to a customer who initially expresses disinterest during an outbound sales call is crucial to potentially turn the conversation around. Here are four ways to respond.

“I appreciate your honesty. I’m here to provide information about our [product/service] that might be relevant to your needs. Could you share a bit more about what you’re looking for? This way, I can ensure I’m not taking up more of your time if it’s not a good fit.”

“I understand you might not have been expecting this call. However, our [product/service] has helped many [similar businesses/customers] [achieve specific benefits/solve particular challenges]. Would you be open to hearing how it could potentially bring value to you?”

“I completely understand. It’s important for us to offer solutions that align with your needs. May I ask, are there any particular areas where you’re facing challenges? Our [product/service] has successfully addressed similar issues for others.”
“I respect your decision, and I don’t want to take up more of your time if this isn’t the right fit. However, if circumstances change or you find yourself looking for [product/service] down the line, please feel free to reach out. I’m here to help whenever you need. Let me just ask you one thing…”

Remember, the key is to be empathetic, respectful, and adaptable to the customer’s responses. If they continue to show disinterest, it’s important to gracefully conclude the conversation without pressuring them, as building a positive impression can potentially lead to future opportunities.

“I appreciate your honesty. I’m here to provide information about our [product/service] that might be relevant to your needs. Could you share a bit more about what you’re looking for? This way, I can ensure I’m not taking up more of your time if it’s not a good fit.”

“I understand you might not have been expecting this call. However, our [product/service] has helped many [similar businesses/customers] [achieve specific benefits/solve particular challenges]. Would you be open to hearing how it could potentially bring value to you?”

“I completely understand. It’s important for us to offer solutions that align with your needs. May I ask, are there any particular areas where you’re facing challenges? Our [product/service] has successfully addressed similar issues for others.”

“I respect your decision, and I don’t want to take up more of your time if this isn’t the right fit. However, if circumstances change or you find yourself looking for [product/service] down the line, please feel free to reach out. I’m here to help whenever you need. Let me just ask you one thing…”

Remember, the key is to be empathetic, respectful, and adaptable to the customer’s responses. If they continue to show disinterest, it’s important to gracefully conclude the conversation without pressuring them, as building a positive impression can potentially lead to future opportunities.

They have been doing this same thing for years!

Our secret is a strong knowledge of selling skills, combined with an effective strategy to learn where the skill gaps are, and making sure our training is reinforced by call center leaders and Quality. There are lots of trainers in the call center training space, but few that know sales, service, call center, QA and senior leaders as well as we do.

How do you get my salespeople to change? They have been doing this same thing for years!

Our secret is a strong knowledge of selling skills, combined with an effective strategy to learn where the skill gaps are, and making sure our training is reinforced by call center leaders and Quality. There are lots of trainers in the call center training space, but few that know sales, service, call center, QA and senior leaders as well as we do.

What are five ways to boost morale in my Outbound call center?

Boosting morale in an outbound call center is essential for maintaining a motivated and engaged workforce. Here are five ways to achieve this:
Acknowledge and celebrate the achievements of your call center agents. Implement a recognition program that highlights top performers, whether through verbal praise during team meetings, a “Employee of the Month” award, or other incentives like gift cards or bonus structures. Recognizing their efforts publicly can boost their confidence and motivation.

Provide consistent feedback to your agents on their performance. This can be a mix of positive reinforcement for their strengths and constructive feedback for areas of improvement. Conduct regular coaching sessions to help them refine their skills and overcome challenges. When employees feel their growth is supported, they are more likely to stay motivated.

Invest in ongoing training and skill development programs for your agents. Offering opportunities to learn new techniques, improve communication skills, and stay updated on product knowledge not only enhances their capabilities but also shows your commitment to their professional growth.

Organize team-building activities that promote camaraderie and teamwork. These activities could be both work-related, like role-playing sales scenarios, and non-work-related, such as team outings or virtual games. Strengthening the bond among team members can create a positive and supportive work environment.

Offer some degree of flexibility in work arrangements, such as remote work options or flexible hours, if feasible. Flexibility can help alleviate stress and improve work-life balance, which in turn can contribute to higher morale and job satisfaction.
Foster a positive atmosphere in the call center by encouraging open communication, maintaining a clean and comfortable workspace, and minimizing unnecessary stressors. A supportive and uplifting work environment can greatly impact morale.

Remember that boosting morale is an ongoing effort that requires consistent attention and adaptation to the needs of your team. Taking the time to understand what motivates your call center agents individually and as a group will help you tailor these strategies for maximum impact.

Acknowledge and celebrate the achievements of your call center agents. Implement a recognition program that highlights top performers, whether through verbal praise during team meetings, a “Employee of the Month” award, or other incentives like gift cards or bonus structures. Recognizing their efforts publicly can boost their confidence and motivation.

Provide consistent feedback to your agents on their performance. This can be a mix of positive reinforcement for their strengths and constructive feedback for areas of improvement. Conduct regular coaching sessions to help them refine their skills and overcome challenges. When employees feel their growth is supported, they are more likely to stay motivated.

Invest in ongoing training and skill development programs for your agents. Offering opportunities to learn new techniques, improve communication skills, and stay updated on product knowledge not only enhances their capabilities but also shows your commitment to their professional growth.

Organize team-building activities that promote camaraderie and teamwork. These activities could be both work-related, like role-playing sales scenarios, and non-work-related, such as team outings or virtual games. Strengthening the bond among team members can create a positive and supportive work environment.

Offer some degree of flexibility in work arrangements, such as remote work options or flexible hours, if feasible. Flexibility can help alleviate stress and improve work-life balance, which in turn can contribute to higher morale and job satisfaction.

Foster a positive atmosphere in the call center by encouraging open communication, maintaining a clean and comfortable workspace, and minimizing unnecessary stressors. A supportive and uplifting work environment can greatly impact morale.

Remember that boosting morale is an ongoing effort that requires consistent attention and adaptation to the needs of your team. Taking the time to understand what motivates your call center agents individually and as a group will help you tailor these strategies for maximum impact.

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